Jewellery is an online Jewellery website which gives every customer much more than what he asks for in terms of quality, selection, value for money and customer service, by understanding local tastes and preferences and innovating constantly to eventually provide an unmatched experience in Jewellery shopping.
This gives you an idea of the current performance via a sales graph.
Select any product from your store to view sales data.
You can also view sales numbers by categories.
Customer List with options to further sort by year, last month, this month, last 7 days, and custom.
Lists your low stock, out of stock items, and quantity left in stock.
Orders allow you to view gross and net sales volume and totals, as well as top sellers, top freebies, top earners, and product downloads.
Report on all products in your store.
View cancelled orders.
Choose the level of service you need.